Do What Works | Insight

The Digital Commerce Department

Written by David Lee | 01 / 18 / 2024

We know that after e-commerce companies get past the startup stage and hit about $2M in sales, the next biggest challenge is how to grow and scale the business and find someone to help with marketing.

The problem is that most marketing agencies offer to deliver a package of activities at a certain price and are not set up to give you what you need the most: revenue.

We used to be one of those agencies and we believe it’s NOT OK for an agency’s success not tied to yours, the customer.

The Digital Commerce Department

The strategy, organization and engagement model you need to scale your e-commerce store.

The Digital Commerce Department (DCD) is more than a marketing agency retainer or service package. The DCD is:

  1. A revenue generating framework that optimizes Traffic, Conversions and Average Order Value.
  2. A virtual department that combines the skills and functions of a CMO, CIO and VP of Sales into one department
  3. A partnership based on a revenue share model, so that our success is tied to yours.

What you get with the Digital Commerce Department

  1. We create your Profit and Loss Statement to measure cost and track results
  2. We work with you to set an sales goal and marketing budget
  3. We execute the activities needed to hit the sales goal within budget, you hold us accountable for the results.

Here is how we make it work

The three multipliers to generate revenue



Paid Advertising

Social Media

e-mail Marketing

Technical and content SEO to drive qualified organic traffic to your store

Extend your reach to people who are actively looking for your products

Extend your reach and brand recognition to targeted audiences 

Keep your current customers and get them to buy from you  again and again.


Conversion Rate

Reduce Purchasing Friction Discounts and Promotions Product Reviews
Optimize navigation, search, and filtering to make it easier for shoppers to find the product they are looking for. Encourage shoppers to buy (everyone likes a deal) without breaking the budget. Use product reviews to increase trust and willingness to buy with with new and current customers.


Average Order Value

Upsell Cross Sell Minimum order size
Encourage shoppers to spend money on a similar and higher priced item. Encourage shoppers to also purchase related and complimentary products. Encourage shoppers to spend more or buy more products in order to be eligible for freee shipping or volume discount.


Do What Works

We are done with offering cookie cutter and packaged solutions because done independently, these activities do not impact your bottom line. Instead we adapt to what strategies, tactics, and activities work for your customers, for your product offerings and where you are in terms of budget and growth stage. In other words, we do what works to move the revenue needle for you.

With the Digital Commerce Department, we fulfill all of the functions of a marketing manager, sales manager and technology officer for about the cost of a single full time employee. This way you can manage results, not activities and start scaling your e-commerce business.